Summer School Themes
Summer School Themes – School’s Not Out!
Summer used to be a long period away from school but for those who didn’t get the break, summer school usually focused on make-up work.
Make-up work was schoolwork not mastered during the regular school year. Then schools began to extend the school year.
This was followed by the addition of interesting classes to the summer school program. Finally, schools began to offer creative programs to occupy children’s time while school was not in regular session.
At that point, it became helpful and “necessary” to adopt a school theme that conveyed the full agenda of the summer school program. One goal was to overcome old ideas about summer learning and send a new message that would capture the attention of parents and students.
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Summer School Themes – No Time to be Bored
Remember when we were young? Summers were long and sweet… but if you think back… and what some choose to forget as adults… they eventually became boring. No one really wanted to admit it but many were glad when summer was over and school started again. Remember counting down the days and weekends? Making sure your school clothes were ready? Could you still wake up early enough?
The first day back was always especially exciting !
You could see all your friends and find out what they had done over the summer. Where did they go, who did they see, what did they do? What new rumors could be verified. Any new boyfriends, girlfriends etc ?
The mind is meant to be occupied, not idle. School themes today reflect the increasing sophistication of students. Children learn things in the third grade that used to be taught in Junior High.
Having endless hours with nothing to do is a formula for trouble. Summer themes reflect the variety of school programs and projects now conducted during summer months.

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- Sports themes for team recruitment and training
- Theatrical arts themes for early planning of school productions
- Special education class themes for special needs programs
- Summer camp themes promising lots of fun
- Imaginative themes intended to engage bored summer school students
- Themes promoting the new school year
- Themes that promote summer projects
- Themes encouraging summer reading programs
- Field trip themes for organized student trips
Themes can reflect the diverse nature of summer school activities now offered. Seldom do children have to sit in a classroom wishing they were outside playing.
Now summer school may be a geological field trip, a summer league sports activity, a musical stage production or even a science fair.
Summer school has changed from being viewed as punishment to being an interesting way to spend summer hours that might otherwise be wasted in front of the television.
School themes can be chosen to advertise new, instructive and worthwhile activities to the community.
School themes are important to more than just public schools. Private schools, churches, and social agencies may also offer summer school programs.
The activities may be Bible school, advanced course study, writing, music, or tours of interesting sites like monuments and museums.
Carefully chosen summer school themes offer creative alternatives to traditional school programs. Themes keep students entertained and involved. Your theme can be especially useful as reinforcement of prior year school activities and material.
Themes can convey the summer programming in a way that attracts a diverse group of students. And summer school themes are not limited by tradition. They can cover a wide range of ideas for all age groups.
Here’s a look at our current school theme list.

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