Student Success
Student Success – Dazzled
Student success is the stuff heroes are made of.
Say the word hero and the first thing that pops into mind is a person who has performed dazzling acts of courage.
But heroes are made of much smaller everyday accomplishments.
For example, a child with dyslexia who learns to read well is a hero.
A teacher who convinces a lazy student to develop new habits is a hero. The mother or father who, day in and day out, makes sure their child is doing his or her very best in school is a hero.
But like any major accomplishment, the success comes through perseverance and planning. Even heroes who attain that status through one heroic act are really only behaving in a manner that reflects a successful lifestyle.
Student Success – Plain And Simple
Success relies on basic principles. They include competent teachers, self-motivation and a desire to learn. Character lies within us, but it must be nourished and formed.
Students who are successful, learn to rely on good character traits early in life.
They are honest, reliable and attentive. It doesn’t take glitzy classrooms and major recognition to learn. It takes dedication and effort.
Success depends on using plain and simple skills to insure learning opportunities are maximized.
- Good note taking skills
- Effective studying and test taking capabilities
- Reading and writing skills
- Time management
- Class preparation
- Math skills
No teacher wants a student to fail, but reaching different students at varying levels of education may require different approaches.
Student Success – All The Trimmings
Class sizes are growing as the population grows. Teachers are stretched thinner than ever. Success is a combination of students taking responsibility for their learning efforts and teachers offering the most effective material presentation.

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- Never miss class
- Follow the rules
- Do assigned work
- Develop good study habits
- Participate in school spirit activities
- Use more current teaching techniques
- Have well prepared curriculum
- Able to present material in an interesting manner
- Able to appeal to a wide range of student personalities and skills
- Develop and present unique school themes
There are many ways to make success more likely. Besides the obvious – repetitive study mantra, students can make sure they are well organized in their school studies.
Using backpacks, student planners and aids provided by the teacher will help students learn important reading, writing and math skills.
Teachers can access lesson planners, materials on achievement gaps, student success programs and skills assessment techniques to monitor student progress.
Today, many kinds of materials are available online. Success material can be found to make the job of motivating and tracking many students easier than ever.
Students can find ways to improve study skills and keep track of school assignments.
Online school resource centers offer help with setting goals, mastering difficult material, getting educational support, developing self-responsibility.
There are software programs, print materials and DVD’s for use in the classroom or at home. The possibilities are unlimited.
And here are some more fun activities for kids ideas.
Student Success – No Glitter
Heroes are made everyday in our schools. They are seen quietly studying in their rooms day after day. They are at the front of the classrooms going over material that is difficult to master.
They help a child with homework, meet with parents after school and create inspiring bulletin boards on their own time and with supplies they bought out of their own pockets.
There is no TV coverage and no award ceremony. There is just the promise of inspired students and their success.
Teachers and students owe it to themselves to utilize every available tool for empowerment.
Success is not an end result; it is a no-dazzle process that creates everyday heroes.

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