School spirit themes are ideas in motion! Our school theme list provides a basic description of what can be achieved with each school spirit theme.

All schools are unique. And, your school theme ideas can always be combined with ours.
Wow! Watch your school spirit soar.
Our Winning School Theme List
T.W.I.S.T – Teamwork Will Inspire Students and Teachers

A TWIST mural is painted on the wall where student success awards are displayed. The mural theme matches your school theme shirt logo.
Let’s remember school theme ideas should help us have fun as we promote school spirit:
- pictures of jukeboxes
- hula hoops
- couples in bobby sox and ponytails or flat tops
- 50’s cars
- soda jerks
- Chubby Checker
- etc.
U.S.A – Upstanding Students All-Around

The USA school theme idea offers a great opportunity to emphasize citizenship and patriotism. It can be especially effective during the Olympics or
Presidential election years.
School Theme USA may also be utilized to improve the character or introduce a character education program into your curriculum.
Character building focus words are chosen:
- caring
- respect
- positive attitude
- tolerance
- responsibility
- honesty
- listening
- cooperation
- manners
F.I.E.S.T.A. – Focusing on Important Educational Standards That All Students Can Meet

Fiesta Themes add color to your school. Imagine the school filled with bright colors and piñatas hanging in the classroom.
This school theme list subject easily sets the stage to explore different cultures and languages.
Bulletin boards can be decorated with:
- pictures of sombreros
- cactus
- hot peppers
- Mexican food
- guitars
- donkeys
- parrots
- Mexican blankets
- ponchos
- piñatas
- Mexican pottery
- etc.
Another school spirit special.
S.E.A.S. – Successfully Educating All Students

Imagine pictures of ships, palm trees, seagulls, ocean life, lighthouses, etc. All communication documents such as parent newsletters, staff bulletins, your school web site, school stationery, student and staff handbooks, etc., display the SEAS theme.
During the first school year staff meeting, teachers receive a “treasure chest.” Lots of unique and creative school theme ideas can be developed.
S.H.O.E.S. – Students Having Opportunities for Excellence and Success

A very common household name. Yet, the SHOES school theme idea can be used across the curriculum i.e. physical education, science, mathematics, social studies, communications, art, and other subject areas.
Students walk in the shoes of the people in which they are studying, they walk through different math problems and display the steps along the way. In art, they use shoes for still life drawings or make different shoes from clay.
In physical education, they discuss the importance and quality of shoes for various physical activities. SHOES has been a school theme list special… for the promotion of school spirit.
H.A.T.S. – Helping All To Succeed

Just imagine the school spirit you can introduce with this school theme idea. Fireman hats, police officer hats, Navy, Marine, Army, Air Force,
Coast Guard, etc.
Hats can always be used as symbols of student interest in various professional professions. HATS can also be emphasized across the curriculum to study different historical time periods.
And let’s not forget the special headwear worn by some of our Presidents, Sports figures, and First Ladies.
R.O.D.E.O. – Reaching Outcomes through Daily Educational Opportunities

Do you remember – I’m a Rhinestone Cowboy by Glen Campbell, or RODEO by Garth Brooks? The RODEO theme offers many opportunities to play the Country & Western card. We liven up decorations with cowboy hats, bandanas, stagecoach competitions and lively celebrations of
student successes.
This is a favorite on our real school theme list.
H.A.P.P.Y. – Have A Positive, Productive Year

As with all good school theme ideas, there is a “kick-off” session and each unique theme contains ideas related to that particular acronym. In
this case, the theme HAPPY is selected and we’ve incorporated related ideas and “theme” content concepts.
The HAPPY theme brings joy to your school. Imagine bright yellow happy faces decorating the halls and classrooms. Everywhere you look there is a smile. It promotes a positive climate for teaching and learning.
C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N.S. – Children with Happy Attitudes Make Positive Influences On neighborhood Schools

The list of champions is long… and this theme offers a great opportunity to emphasize citizenship excellence in the classroom and
school environment. The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for “faster, higher, stronger.”
The intended meaning is that one’s focus should be on bettering one’s achievements, rather than on coming in first. This school theme list member encourages students to be champions of character in whatever they do.
S.T.A.R.S. – Study, Try, Achieve for Recognition and Success

This school theme list candidate is special. It’s a school theme idea that can be used very effectively for the entire student body, for teachers, for administrators, etc.
After all, each teacher deserves special STAR recognition every day for their commitment to children and the learning environment.
And let’s also remember the STARs in the administrative arena:
- our principals
- superintendents
- secretaries
- librarians
- janitors
- bus drivers
- security personnel
- guidance counselors
- cooks
- nurses
And on and on. Many opportunities exist to recognize these folks (STARS) for their unending kindness, judgment, respect, courage, self-discipline, and responsibility.
P.O.W.E.R. – Providing Opportunities With Enrichment and Responsibility

We’ve associated the Power theme with a new before school program called the Power Hour.
Although all of our themes are intended to promote school spirit, we also recognize the need to balance that objective with student and teacher academic priorities.
Thus, this school theme idea shares how an improved time management initiative can be designed to meet individual student needs and promote academic successes. A school theme idea suggested by a middle school administrator and a recent addition to our school theme list.

Combining the POWER Hour initiatives with the faster, higher, stronger attitude of CHAMPIONS

Combining the western RODEO, HAPPY attitudes and festive FIESTA attributes

Combining a “walk in my SHOES” experience with the HAT in hand style of those just TWISTing for fun

Combining the STARS recognition, treasure chests of the SEAS and patriotism of the good old USA
And here’s a link to our acronym tutorial just in case you’re working on school theme ideas of your own.summer school themes | high school reunion themes | theme for elementary school | junior high school themes | themes for high school | theme school Right-click for your FREE Boost School Spirit Guide.

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