High School Reunion Themes
High School Reunion Themes – Going Home Again
School reunion themes are planned activities that prove you can go home again. High school reunions are one of the most popular school activities held each year.
Everyone looks forward to seeing old friends, or at least how well old friends have aged! Reunions are a celebration of youth and its memories, but it is also a chance to return to the roots of success.
High school reunions usually incorporate themes from the past but they can also promote the successes of former graduates returning to share in the camaraderie and celebrations. School alumni are treasures.
They are proof that education can help you succeed… And returning alumni are also proof that building blocks of school spirit and school loyalty can last for a lifetime. Alumni can help bond your staff and students for years.
Alumni also can be crucial to community support and fundraising efforts… these two activities are often the focus of high school reunion themes.
High School Reunion Themes – Honoring Tradition
Reunion themes can offer an opportunity for your school and students to honor those who came before them. Long ago, when the alumni were attending classes, they too participated in traditional activities including homecoming and spirit days.
When they return for visits, it’s well known that alumni want to relive some of the glory days. HS reunion themes can provide them this opportunity by focusing on favorite pastime activities and special achievements.
- Historic student football games that included returning alumni
- Marching bands and competitive awards
- Sports and spirit pep rallies
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- School dances where the king and queen were crowned
- Special student activities that marked special school days
Reunion themes focus on these important events in the lives of your alumni. The themes are meant to evoke memories of those remarkable days when students shared good times, good fun, good music and “good grades” too!
High School Reunion Themes – Ties That Bind
Schools love to see alumni return so they can honor their accomplishments. They also like to see returning alumni in the hopes they will continue to support the school on a regular basis, both financially and through giving of their time.
Reunion themes can focus on those activities where alumni felt bonded to their school. Those bonds often remain intact throughout a lifetime… and it is no secret that school spirit soars in the community because of alumni support.
Alumni want current students to have an even better time at school than they did. They’ll bring their maturity to the party but will also ensure everyone remembers it’s party time at their favority high school.
HS reunion themes are intended to help provide a fun atmosphere while sharing memories… but also to reinforce the ties that bind the alumni to your school. Well thought out reunion themes will achieve the following.
- Renews the sense of excitement about your school and its place in the community
- Solidifies the purpose of all your school’s activities
- Creates a welcoming environment
- Encourages alumni support for your school
- Sets an example for current students
- Brings together a diverse group of people for a common cause
Bringing alumni together on a regular basis promotes a sense of camaraderie. HS reunion themes should help share the best of the past and the best prospects for the future.
Your school is a vibrant institution that is very much alive. High school reunion themes can be about almost any topic imaginable… but they usually are related to traditional student activities.
These activities include sports, clubs, academic achievements and other school functions. Alumni love to relive the past. High school reunion themes that connect the past to the current student body are the most touching and memorable. You can find many suggestions that will work for your school.
High school reunion themes are a way to say to alumni, “Welcome back! We’re glad to see you again!”
Here’s a look at our current school theme list.

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