How To Order The Winning Themes

How to Order

To place an order and instantly download your theme(s) plus get two FREE bonuses, scroll to the bottom of our Theme Shop page and click on any Buy Button.

You will then be connected to a secure page where you will be prompted to enter your payment preferences.

You may use your PayPal account or alternate credit card transactions are also accepted.


As soon as the payment has been approved, you will be presented with a button that says Return to School Spirit.

Please choose that button ! Then our Thank You notice will appear.

Our Thank You notice contains a hotlink (please right click on it) and download your theme immediately.

No credit card account ? No problem !
If you don’t have access to a credit card account or prefer not to conduct credit card business online… no problem.

Use the contact us link to tell us which school themes you like and I’ll send an invoice by email.

You can return a copy of that invoice with your check and upon confirmation of payment… at nearly the speed of light… I’ll send your theme as an email attachment.

Please contact us if you need more information.

And have you remembered to enter information to receive our periodic newsletter – For Your Info – [FYI] ?