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Shop For School Themes
(Plus 2 FREE Bonuses)
“How’s Your School Spirit?
Could It Use A Boost ?”
“Education is a Tollbooth
On The Road To Success”
Upstanding Students All-Around
The USA theme offers a great opportunity to emphasize citizenship and
patriotism. It can be especially effective during the Olympics or
Presidential election years. Theme USA may also be utilized to improve
character or introduce a character education program into your
curriculum. Character building focus words are chosen: caring,
respect, positive attitude, tolerance, responsibility, honesty,
listening, cooperation, and manners are examples.
Focusing on Important Educational Standards That All students can meet
Fiesta Themes add color to your school. Imagine the school filled with
bright colors and piñatas hanging in the classroom. This theme
easily sets the stage to explore different cultures and languages.
Bulletin boards can be decorated with pictures of sombreros, cactus,
hot peppers, Mexican food, guitars, donkeys, parrots, Mexican
blankets, ponchos, piñatas, Mexican pottery, etc.
Successfully Educating All Students
Imagine pictures of ships, palm trees, seagulls, ocean life,
lighthouses, etc.
All communication documents such as parent
newsletters, staff bulletins, the school web site, school stationary,
student and staff handbooks, etc., display the SEAS theme. During the
first school year staff meeting teachers receive a “treasure chest.”

A TWIST mural is painted on the wall where student success awards are
displayed. The mural theme matches your theme shirt logo. Let’s
remember we’re having fun as we promote school spirit – Pictures of
juke boxes, hula hoops, couples in bobby sox and pony tails or flat
tops, 50’s cars, soda jerks, Chubby Checker, etc.
Students Having Opportunities for Excellence and Success
A very common household name. Yet, the SHOES theme can be used across
the curriculum i.e. physical education, science, mathematics, social
studies, communications, art and other subject areas. Students walk in
the shoes of the people in which they are studying, they walk through
different math problems and display the steps along the way. In art
they use shoes for still life drawings or make different shoes from
clay. In physical education they discuss the importance and quality of
shoes for various physical activites.
Helping All To Succeed
Just imagine the school spirit you can introduce with this theme.
Fireman hats, police officer hats, Navy, Marine, Army, Air Force,
Coast Guard, etc. Hats can always be used as symbols of student
interest in various professional professions. HATS can also be
emphasized across the curriculum to study different historical time
periods. And let’s not forget the special headwear worn by some of our
Presidents, Sports figures, and First Ladies.
Reaching Outcomes through Daily Educational Opportunities
Do you remember – I’m a Rhinestone Cowboy by Glen Campbell, or
RODEO by Garth Brooks? The RODEO theme offers many opportunities to
play the Country & Western card. We liven up decorations with cowboy
hats, bandanas, stage coach competitions and lively celebrations of
student successes.
Have A Positive, Productive Year
As with all good ideas there is a “kick-off” session and each
unique theme contains ideas related to that particular acronym. In
this case the theme HAPPY is selected and we’ve
incorporated related ideas and “theme” content concepts. The HAPPY
theme brings joy to your school. Imagine bright yellow happy faces
decorating the halls and classrooms. Everywhere you look there is a
smile. It promotes a positive climate for teaching and learning.
Children with Happy Attitudes Make Positive Influences On Neighborhood Schools
The list of champions is long… and this theme offers a great
opportunity to emphasize citizenship excellence in the classroom and
school environment. The Olympic motto is
Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for “faster, higher,
stronger.” The intended meaning is that one’s focus should be on
bettering one’s achievements, rather than on coming in first. This
theme encourages students to be champions of character in whatever
they do.
Study, Try, Achieve for Recognition and Success
Every teacher knows who their Stars are and in fact teachers deserve special STAR recognition everyday for their
commitment to children and the learning environment. And let’s
also remember the STARs in the administrative arena: our
principals, superintendents, secretaries, librarians, janitors, buss
drivers, security personnel, guidance counselors, cooks,
nurses. And on and on. Many opportunities exist to
recognize these folks (STARS) for their unending kindness, judgment,
respect, courage, self discipline and responsibility.
We’ve associated the Power theme with a new before school program called the Power Hour. Although all of our themes are intended to promote school spirit, we also recognize the need to balance that objective with student and teacher academic priorities. Thus, the Power Hour implements improved time management initiatives designed to meet individual student needs and promote academic successes.
Shop Themes
NEW! Fabulous all 10 Themes Combo Pricing – Plus two FREE Bonuses
It will pay you great dividends to find out how to use School Themes and get your best Theme Team working to make your school spirit soar.
Today, you have the opportunity to do exactly that…
You can get all the valuable information you need about the effective use of School Themes to promote your school spirit.
It’s in my brand new e-book, School Themes Combo Pack:
By ordering today, you will also qualify for these superb bonuses:
Professional Development – Continuing Education is a powerful collaboration resource that instantly provides access to workshop, conference, education and training opportunities.
BONUS #1 – Value $29
With this resource tool in your library you don’t have to spend hours searching for education information. Simply use the professional development and continuing education tools to meet your state and district education requirements.
You can assess all available opportunities without having to pay or commit to anything.
With Professional Development – Continuing Education, you can unleash the full potential of your training opportunities and career choices.
BONUS #2 – Value $18
If your teaching, tutoring, coaching or administrative abilities have real value, Keys To Smart Bartering enables you to instantly exchange your special services.
This key information helps identify and lead you to those who desire your services in exchange for cash or other valuable services you may need performed.
Keys To Smart Bartering allows you to use your time creatively, supporting completion of those eye-catching special projects in half the time… because you’ve earned extra cash.
The Price?
“School Themes Combo Pack” is only $29 – a tiny investment for the potential payback!
For $29, you get the key in how to use school themes so that every single theme team member you select from now on has a better chance to help make your school spirit soar.
And you can also change any of your school’s “first impression” visits that have not been performing. (You now know one of the reasons why that might be!)
Combining the POWER Hour initiatives with the faster, higher, stronger attitude of CHAMPIONS
Combining the western RODEO, HAPPY attitudes and festive FIESTA attributes
Combining a “walk in my SHOES” experience with the HAT in hand style of those just TWISTing for fun
Combining the STARS recognition, treasure chests of the SEAS and patriotism of the good old USA
As soon as the payment has been approved, you will be presented with a button that says Return to School Spirit.
Please choose that button ! Then our Theme Shop Thank You notice will appear.
Our Thank You notice contains a hotlink (please right click on it) and download your theme Combo Pack plus FREE bonuses immediately.
Although it’s common for one school theme to last a whole year… some schools enjoy competition among classrooms or grade levels.
As an example… our theme titles are highlighted and your 10th graders… might be STARS while the 11th graders become CHAMPIONS and seniors show POWER.
Thus, our theme shop offers an opportunity to combine the best Theme Combo’s to promote your school spirit.
In some cases your school District may decide to purchase multiple themes and distribute them throughout the school system.
And PTA or PTO groups often shop to contribute to school spirt theme purchases through their fundraising efforts.
So whether you’ll shop for single themes, or shop for combo’s… click below and they’ll arrive in your inbox at nearly the speed of light.
You can shop in several different ways…
Use the contact us link to tell us which theme you like and we’ll send an invoice by email.
You can return a copy of that invoice with your check and upon confirmation of payment… at nearly the speed of light… your theme will arrive as an email attachment.
For more specifics please click How To Order
Please come SHOP with us again… as we often add new items to choose from.