Summer School Theme
Summer School Theme – Working in a Coal Mine
Summer school usually reminds us of missed opportunities and a time of forced study, but a winning summer school theme can help change that image.
Say the words “summer school” and children instantly envision themselves as child laborers in a damp dark coalmine. But the whole concept of that kind of school has changed.
Lots of kids and parents realize how competitive the world has become and they sometimes seek the advantages of extra study during the summer months. Having a great theme to work with can help foster new and improved learning challenges with a great summer school teacher.
Summer learning is so much more than just making up missed classes or being “baby-sat” by teachers. Summer school is a time to try new challenges, test latent skills and learn new information not covered during the regular school year.
It is sometimes about trying new subjects not covered during the normal school session. Summer study can be an art or music program, student field trips, or a guest lecturer series. Some would say these kinds of classes can even be called FUN.
Summer school is NOT just boring classes covering only the routine topics anymore. And a summer theme can tie your program components together so that everyone gets an upfront and clear understanding of all program material.
Summer School Theme – Rounding Out the Program
At one time students were not the only ones dreading summer school. Of course, teachers were needed to help students doing poorly and schools resented having to pay for classes they already offered during the regular school year.
Although some teachers enjoyed the summer work opportunity, others needed the break and may have missed the planned time at home with family members.
A lot has changed. Schools began to see summer school as an opportunity to offer creative classes that would attract bright students who enjoy learning.
Summer school also became a way to raise additional revenue through tuition for special classes. And your summer theme can help erase the old image of “coal mine” drudgery and replace it with a spotlight of creative opportunity.
Summer school teachers need creative ways to help students stay interested in learning. A summer school theme can help in a number of ways.
- Enables material to be presented with a comprehensive focus
- Emphasizes most important concepts of a class or project
- Helps form various ways for information to be recalled over time
- Assists with developing critical thinking skills as students relate your theme to class topics
There is a wealth of information available combining winning themes used in instructional settings. See our Theme Shop link in the left hand menu for some great beginning ideas.
Summer school themes can be used to help add excitement and motivation to classroom learning. For the theme provides a concrete context that enables enthusiastic learning through the sharing of student and teacher ideas.
Memorization has its purpose, but that kind of learning is often not retained long-term. Themes help promote interactive and emotional discussion of subject material and that aids in real understanding.
Summer school programs using creative theme concepts will help students learn through applied thinking, not just by sheer memorization.
Summer School Theme – Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a great way to generate new ideas. And, if you need a summer school theme idea, click on our Staff Picks ! button in the left hand menu.
We’ll walk you through one of the best ways to generate your very own theme ideas. This is a time tested methodology with great results and can be loads of fun for everyone.
Summer school can be an important step in training and planning for lifelong learning. Very few of us remain in “one job” or even a “single career field” these days. So, learning to learn in different environments has its advantages.
Summer school can offer a chance to explore new and even advanced learning opportunities. Selecting a great theme can provide the excitement and encouragement that makes your summer school program a desirable way to encourage student achievement.
A summer-school theme is more than just an idea. It is your opportunity to put creative concepts in motion…
Choosing your theme topic is a wide open challenge but with a little forethought… you’ll attract students who really enjoy learning. Consider a summer school theme as the first step towards a great summer.
Here’s a review of the benefits, purpose and strategies a school theme provides.

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