What Is Distance Learning
Distance Learning Degrees
While many postal workers and truck drivers do know this knowledge by heart, the term distance learning means something entirely different.
Distance learning is simply a case of the instructor and the student being in different geographical locations while the student learns.
Most distance learning happens over the World Wide Web, but the truth is it has been going on as long as the written word and courier services have existed.
In fact, if you read an instructional booklet on how to put together a bicycle you are partaking in a form of distance learning.
There are many reasons why someone would want to take advantage of the flexibility of distance learning as opposed to attending classes in a traditional classroom setting.
And college degree distance learning opportunities have become very popular.
Online Higher Education – It is a wonderful world of information that exists today and that information is readily accessible through the internet.
Most of the reasons are the same ones campus students have. Some people use distance learning because they believe that a degree or certification will help them in their employment or search for employment.
Others use distance learning because they want the knowledge of the subject that is offered and believe that this knowledge will enhance their quality of life.
Some forms of distance learning aren’t offered in a classroom setting (the instruction manual for the bicycle comes to mind).
Distance learning can be a cheaper alternative to attending on campus classes and it can be done on one’s own time.
Those who work a full time job and take care of a family might simply just not have enough time to attend college or a trade school. So what is distance learning is a valid question answered by personal preference. Do you attend school on campus or do you pursue accredited distance learning through off campus means?
An economic crisis or prolonged recession can also lead to a huge increase in distance learning. Many people may have lost their jobs and they are using distance learning as a way to change careers.
The gasoline that would have been used in traveling from home to the classroom can be saved and used for other things.
In many states, you can receive your unemployment compensation and not have to fulfill work search requirements if you are enrolled in an online class or a correspondence course.
There are many challenges to the students who have chosen to engage in some form of distance learning. Chief among these challenges is motivation.
When you are taking a course in the comfort of your own home, it can be very tempting to tell yourself you are going to do your coursework later and just plop yourself on the couch and watch television.
If you do this, no professor will yell at you or ask to have a conference with you. Also, it can be pretty hard to ask an instructor what areas you need to improve in when you have never met him or her in person and they have thousands of online students dispersed throughout the world.
Students who use distance learning must learn to overcome these obstacles, often without help from anyone.
Distance learning offers courses in just about anything you might be interested in, but before you enroll in one you should check to see if employers hire people with online degrees or certificates in the field you are planning on going into.
The truth is some potential employers don’t like online degrees. However there are many others who find them perfectly acceptable and having knowledge in a particular field or subject can only help you in the long run.