Theme Party Ideas…
Have you found your theme party ideas ?
Finding a party idea is not always a stress-free experience.
You have lots of theme choices… Robin Hood – Halloween – Princess – Pirates – Aloha – Christmas –
Strangers in the Night – Western – Wizards…
Two’s Company – Night Owl – Bakers Dozen – Camping – Dress Up – Members Only –
And many music choices from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000… to Consider.
Your theme idea choices are just about unlimited. Pick an appropriate theme title for your age group…
Then let your imagination run wild.
You might be the host or hostess so you’ll be entertaining guests perhaps. Or this could be a classroom party for your kids and you’ll need room monitors or maybe chaperones.
But remember though it’s party Time let’s turn on the school spirit and and have some fun.
So… first things first. Once you’ve picked a location and decided on your budget, decorations are next. They’re important when you’re promoting a theme party.
Hang them throughout your room – and maybe even suspend some cloth ghosts from the ceiling. With a little more money in the budget you could purchase props such as fog machines, black lights and candles to create the right atmosphere.
And let’s not forget that your theme party ideas should include costumes. This can be great fun depending upon the party themes idea you pick.
Your kids or guests can dress as their favorite superheroes, cartoon characters or movie celebrities. It’s a great way to get kids parties in memorable photos that you can use for newsletters, yearbooks, calendars, etc.
OK we’ve covered decorations and costumes… what’s next for party ideas ?
You’ll want to choose songs related to the theme party ideas you’ve picked. Hopefully, your guests or kids will like your selections but another choice is to announce ahead of time… the always popular… “bring your own tunes.”
After you’ve told everyone about your party idea – they’ll bring their best tunes and all you have to do is monitor the volume.
Next is food.

Get Your Theme!

A theme party idea would be incomplete without food ! Have you heard about Jaimie Oliver ? He’s a famous celebrity chef and national hero in England who has for some time been promoting healthier school lunch food.
Well Mr. Johnson, the Tory party’s higher education spokesman, risked the nation’s wrath when he recently announced…
“I say let people eat what they like. If I was in charge I would get rid of Jamie Oliver and let people eat what they liked.”
so I think we’re free to say… pick your theme party idea… find related food items that you like and serve em up.
Every great theme party idea needs a shutter bug too! Those photos can be stored, saved and shared via many venues. They also offer great fun opportunities at future theme parties.
And it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch – to suggest a party theme idea that included all the best photos taken during previous theme parties.
Although we’re all about having fun… we also recommend doing all the planning to make it a structured, entertaining and safe party for everyone.
Our goal is to “serve students” with character, structure, entertainment and of course… education.
We invite you to review the following school themes designed to raise school spirit as an investment in their future.

Make Your School Spirit Soar!
That way it’s simple to find!