Student Book Reports
The First Sentence
Student book reports are sacred items in the school system. Do you remember when the teacher taught you that the first sentence in book reports had to grab the reader?
What the heck did that mean?
Thousands of first sentences later, you understand. The first sentence should make the reader want to read more of the book. It sounds so simple.
As American as mom and apple pie, they are used to instruct students in the art of reading a book and then writing about it as if the person reading your report has never heard of the book.
From first grade all the way through college, book reports have their due date.
The Art of Factual Writing
Student book reports are factual, or at least, they should be. There is a multi-step process the teacher expects every student to follow when a book report is assigned as homework.
- Either choose a book to read or read an assigned book
- Read the book allowing enough time to assimilate the story and write the report
- Outline the book to organize information that will go into the report
- Write a draft
- Edit and write the final report
When allowed to choose the book to write about, students use to go to the library and browse shelves until something caught their eye. Though libraries are still great sources of reading material, many students now go online to find a book of interest.

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Before computers, reports were laboriously hand written and then hand re-written. Now they can be typed using a word processor making editing much easier. Young children still must hand write their student book reports, but even they can get valuable assistance online with bookreports, enotes and sparknotes.
Interactive Creations
Teachers and parents can find a lot of resources online to use as book reports teaching aids. Teachers are always looking for new ways to present material to students. Keeping students interested in the reading and writing process is critical. At one time, books that were eligible for book reports were standard classics.
Today, children’s books are published regularly, and they offer modern exciting stories that ignite the imagination. How much more fun it is for a student to read a book that keeps their interest. There are resources online that offer book recommendations for different age groups. Teachers and parents can locate books that are good reading for students.
Online resources include more than book lists though.
- Sites that allow the submission of book reports so the student can see their writing published
- Book report forms for teachers to give students to teach the technical aspects of writing a report
- Book report paper that is wide-lined for younger students
- Suggestions by teachers around the country for book reports
- Online book report templates students can use and the teacher can edit
Student book reports seem like they have been around since the beginning of time. Teachers looking for ways to generate student excitement about reading and writing can find lots of new ways online.
And here are some more fun activities for kids ideas.
Letting students use online book report templates, teachers can make editing comments, suggestions and even post a grade for student access. Now student book reports have joined the space age.

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