School Spirit Week
School Spirit Week – Give Me an “Sp”
School spirit week… that special time when youthful exuberance is allowed full expression.
Spirit is a show of energy and enthusiastic support for your school.
It is an opportunity to sing and dance and wear school colors with pride.
There are spirit band sessions, spirit assemblies and spirit teams that have one primary goal.
That goal is to promote school tradition and encourage students to embrace their school as an important part of their life.
Spirit week is about having loads of fun at school. The halls and walls come alive with color and posters and banners.
School Spirit Week – “Give me an “I”
School spirit encourages the use of spirit items as free expression of total school support.
The spirit symbols such as logos and school colors give students something specific to focus their energies on… while showing ownership of your school and its principles.
Parents love this special week as much as students and teachers do. Because parents have a vested interest in the success of their children, it makes them very happy to see students excited and enthused about school activities. So it’s time to stock up your school spirit store.
Spirit week serves as a unifying force, bringing together a multicultural and diverse student body. Spirit week has other benefits also.
- Creates a sense of school identity
- Increases student activity and involvement
- Promotes cooperative effort
- Creates a single cause for student support
- Encourages community support
- Encourages parental involvement
- Promotes a positive school image
Spirit week can even lay the groundwork for future fundraising projects. When your community sees student enthusiasm and parental support of school activities, donors are much more likely to want to participate in the school’s success.
School Spirit Week – Give Me an “RI”
Planning a spirit week program can include many types of supporting activities.
At most events, students like to wear identifying clothing or articles that show they are a unified group and support their school. Spirit activities and spirit items can take many shapes and forms.

Get Your Theme!

- Spirit clothing
- Spirit logos
- Spirit rallies
- Theme songs
- Spirit promoting dances
- Pep rally assemblies
- Homecoming week
- Special community events or projects
- Spirit Pins
- Spirit jewelry
During spirit week you can find logo earrings, colored shoe laces, school emblem caps and many other spirit boosting items.
Ideas for developing and promoting school spirit are limited only by your school’s policies and budget.
The time tested techniques used by many programs to promote school spirit activities are shared among administrators, but let’s remember there’s no harm in “stepping out” a little.
Maybe you’ll want to try new, innovative ideas targeting your special standing in the community. Your school is unique… so let it stand out by using new, creative ways to promote school spirit.
And don’t forget the alumni like to participate in school week activities. They can be some of your school’s most vocal supporters.
School Spirit Week – Give me a “T” and That Spells SPIRIT!
Promoting school spirit can be a most rewarding experience for your students. Spirit week promises lots of fun, camaraderie and joyful celebration.
It also makes a promise that your school will always maintain the students as its focus.
For spirit week is a time when students are the center of attention. They are allowed to show school support in their own way.
Your school can provide plenty of activities and events for them to attend… and students can show the school spirit ideas they feel.
School spirit week might just as well have been called school enthusiasm week.

Make Your School Spirit Soar!
That way it’s simple to find!