Planning A School Spirit
Fund Raising Campaign?
What You Need To Know
Planning a school spirit fund raising campaign may seem a bit overwhelming… but it doesn’t have to be.
With the right amount of planning and a great team, your school spirit fund raising event will be a most rewarding experience.
So let’s get down to business!
Fund Raising can be exciting
The first thing you will need to do is choose a fund raising program that suits your needs.
If you haven’t done so already, this is the time to assess your current situation… your goal, your team, participants, deadlines etc.
Before you proceed with your school spirit fund-raising campaign, you may want
to answer the following questions.
- How much money do we need to raise? ($2000, $5000, $10,000…just remember to be realistic. Once you’ve settled on the amount you need to raise, do not compromise.)
- What is this money going towards? (equipment, renovations, special events, or outings)
- How soon do we need this money?
- When would you like to start your fund raising campaign?
- How many people do you estimate will be involved in this fund raising event?
- Do you already have a team in place to help organize and manage your school spirit campaign?
We understand the importance of school fundraising and the challenges you and your group face.
We got tired of doing car washes and bake sales that took all day and raised only a few dollars. So we developed fun, easy fundraiser programs that raised the needed funds, fast.
Participation in our programs is simple, safe, efficient, and best of all, free! Whether you are in a club, sports team, school, or any other non-profit group, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals.
Answering these questions will help you…
- determine your level of preparedness before you begin your school fund raising campaign. (Because you know what they say about “failing to prepare”.)
- gain credibility as you promote your school spirit fund raiser to others.
- remain focused on your goal.
School Spirit Fund Raising Requires Teamwork
School spirit fund-raising requires teamwork… as a matter of fact… your entire fund raising campaign depends on the effectiveness of your team.
Become familiar with your team, from the organizers to the sellers. Set individual goals for each member of your team, then show them how these goals relate to your main objective.
Now, it’s time to motivate your team. Let them know that they are valuable, and
play a vital role in the overall success of the school spirit fundraiser campaign.
Provide incentives, and rewards based on sales performance. (this takes care of the
“what’s in it for me?” question)
This also helps to develop winning attitudes amongst your team.
Make sure everyone is familiar, and comfortable with the product or service, you are selling.
Stress the importance of making a first impression. The appearance, approach, and the voice of your selling team, can also play a vital role on the success of your school spirit fundraising campaign.
School Spirit Fund Raising Requires Publicity
The success of your school spirit fund-raising campaign depends on publicity. Make others aware of your need, and your offering in as many ways as possible.
Fail to do this and you’ll be selling yourself short… literally.
Here are some ideas, that can boost your publicity.
- print flyers, posters
- start an e-mail list
- contact family, & friends
- contact local businesses
- canvass social events (sporting events, school assemblies, etc)
- wear a personalized shirt (promoting your campaign)
- use your web site
School Spirit Fund Raising Ideas
Here are some school spirit fund-raising ideas you will want to consider.
- Car Wash Fund raiser
- Candy Fund raiser
- Books Fund raiser
- Art Fund raiser
- Chocolate Fund raiser
(and this is just barely scratching the surface)
You could even launch a school spirit clothing fund raiser. Just remember to find a school fundraising program that is profitable and best suits your needs.
P. S. Choose from these great Theme packages specifically designed to promote School Spirit.

Make Your School Spirit Soar!
That way it’s simple to find!