School Musicals
In Revue
School musicals used to only be seen in high school auditoriums and college theatres.
Today, musicals are used in a much wider arena. Music is considered a universal language and is considered a form of communication.
It goes back to the beginning of mankind. Music combined with drama and academics becomes a powerful educational tool.
Now musicals are used at all grade levels, from pre-school, elementary school, middle school through college. All that changes over the school years is the length and complexity of the production.
Not Just A Song And Dance
Let’s print out the dance cards, pick a song or two from the music box and go to town. At PBS Kids you’ll need Real Time Player but PBS offers a download link if you don’t already have it installed on your computer.
And at NY Phil Kids can click on the Musicians’ Lounge to interact with the musicians and hear each one play his or her musical instrument.
There are special links for Teachers and Students at the Dallas Symphony site and you’ll be amazed with the quality and variety of music available for classroom instruction.
Have you ever seen an instrument you didn’t know existed ? Odd Music offers a look, description and in most cases an audio file that let’s you listen in.
Musicals and theme parties give everyone a perfect excuse to dress up. Today, there are costumes for everyone… adults, children and pets. Costumes allow you to step into a completely different persona: super heroes, super villains, medieval, sexy, and so much more. There are literally thousands of costumes to choose from. You are only limited by your own imagination.
Student musicals and school plays are lots of fun to prepare and to watch, but they are used in schools for many reasons besides just entertainment.
- Encourage interest in the arts
- Showcase student talent
- Enhance school fundraiser events
- Dramatize particular school programs
- To expand curriculum
- Address current issues
- Provide opportunity to invite public for school awareness
Musicals used in the elementary and pre-elementary grades become instructional tools. Musicals have been written that help teachers address different current issues and core curriculum subjects.
There are strictly music shows and there are musicals that include a story line, such as a play.
Elementary school musicals are designed to be used by teachers in the classroom or in an auditorium. It just depends on the purpose for the musical.
Elementary musicals are available on the internet and teachers can choose a musical by subject.
The purchase of a musical production package supplies all the needs for your school.
- Music Score
- Choreography
- Script
- Vocals
- Music tapes so the teacher can hear the tunes
In Italian, spiritoso means with spirit or spiritedly. It is a musical term and signals the orchestra or singers to perform in a lively manner.
Showing spirit is what high schools and college students do well.
Student musicals are one way to involve students, parents and the community in the school. Garnering support for the school can mean increased fundraising, increased volunteerism and a more cohesive school community.
Of course, once a student leaves elementary school he or she is no longer interested in the little train or blue dog. But there are just as many full-length student musicals available as there are elementary school versions.
In high school and college, student musicals are more an expression of musical talent, theatre and art.
Often, the school orchestra plays the music.
Many older students have prior acting experience. Student musicals often lead to continued acting and singing in amateur and community theatre groups after school.
With the purchase of full-length school musicals, the production group gets everything necessary to put on the musical.
This includes the same items as listed for elementary school productions, but in addition, there will be rehearsal CD’s and videos or DVD’s.
The list of student musicals will include a brief description of the story line and will indicate the number of cast members needed.
High School Musicals are available for every topic and every purpose. School musicals can be blended with your curriculum and enhance school spirit. You’ll likely need high school musical costumes for some of your creative musical characters.
They help teach discipline, cooperation and special effort.
They can also improve student interaction and teach important lessons about working with different kinds of people and cultures.
Consider finding a musical or music themes that fit your school and you will be saying, “Vivace!”
And here are some more fun activities for kids ideas.

Make Your School Spirit Soar!
That way it’s simple to find!