Private Schools
Not A Secret Anymore
Private schools used to be viewed as accessible only to the wealthy.
No one except parents and students really understood what the motivation for private educational programs was.
It’s not a secret anymore.
Private-school is the first choice for many parents.
Once unaffordable, financial aid options have made private education possible for nearly any family.
A Perfect Match
Normally the choice of which public school children must attend is determined by county policy. Living in a certain neighborhood is not a guarantee that your child will attend the closest or the best school.
Some children are bussed to different schools outside their neighborhood and many parents have no choice.
It doesn’t matter what the school reputation is or how successful its education program has been. Everyone knows the public education system has its problems. And here’s a link to help find the best private schools.
It is of deep concern to parents that sometimes their children are attending schools that do not provide an adequate education.
On top of that, there are other serious public school issues including violence in the schools, oversized classes, inadequate instructional materials and poor transportation arrangements.
These are just a few of the reasons for choosing private- schools. But there are many more.
- Just moved to a new location and are unfamiliar with the public school system
- Public school does not teach religious values or ethics
- School achievement reports are unsatisfactory
- Not comfortable with school staff and teachers
- Don’t agree with school administrative policies
There can be many reasons for deciding to place your child in private-school. Always be sure to compare tuition cost at available schools.
One of the tremendous advantages of choosing private school education… is that your school choice can be selected from among all area schools. Therse include christian montessori schools and independent schools too.
There are no private school enrollment boundaries. The student and school can be perfectly matched.
Well Rounded
One of the across-the-board qualities of private-schools is their well-rounded programs. Well-rounded means offering a full range of educational opportunities to its student base.
This includes academic and social opportunities.
Children with special needs require special programs to make sure they achieve their potential. Parents who want their children to learn in a faith based program need an educational program that addresses those values.
There are many different types of public schools.
- Military
- Sports
- Special needs
- Christian
- Jewish
- Alternative
- Arts
Private-schools cover education opportunities from pre-school through college. Alternative private schools are available for troubled teens with emotional or psychological problems, including drug addiction.
Teens with these kinds of problems may not be adequately served in a traditional public school program.
They may need a specialized curriculum that both educates and deals with the issues in their lives. Emotional coping skills are necessary for many of these students.
Deciding to attend private school is often a joint decision between the student and parent in most cases. Once the decision has been made, the next step is to actually choose a school.
Which school ? Where ? How much ? Now what do we do?
The answer may be… hiring an educational consultant. Professional consultants can help narrow the list of acceptable schools, assist with the application and help you find financial aid.
But in order to make the final decision parents must often establish certain guidelines.
- Set realistic expectations
- Determine the available budget and match to school costs
- Understand the total fee schedule
- Determine which school fulfills the majority of personal goals
- Consider all the logistics issues… how far away, which holidays are observed, how often do we see each other, living arrangements, how do we communicate, etc.
Discuss all the pros and cons of private school education with an education consultant, your child, spouse, and even the public school education staff if possible.
Private-schools could be the answer to your educational concerns and parents have a vested interest in providing every opportunity for educational success.
Let the learning begin today.

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