“How to Motivate Students… All the Basics Really Count ! “
Much of the recent research on how to motivate students has rightly centered on the classroom.
This is where the majority of learning takes place and where students are most likely to acquire a strong motivation to gain new knowledge.
motivation to learn are expected and rewarded.”Or the short – “How to motivate students – ” answer is… put students in a classroom where academic success is expected and rewarded !…
Research says… “Exploring ways to motivate young students to learn is a never ending quest for educators. Literature suggests that the need to motivate students today is greater than in the past.”
“An ongoing struggle for many instructors is motivating their students to learn. Students seem to be particularly unmotivated to learn material that appears uninteresting to them or unrelated to their own life experiences and career goals. It is certainly not the case that students can not be motivated or are incapable of learning.”
Much of the recent research on student motivation has rightly centered on the classroom, where the majority of learning takes place and where students are most likely to acquire a strong motivation to gain new knowledge.
Making the classroom a place that naturally motivates students to learn is much easier when students and teachers function in an atmosphere where academic success and the motivation to learn are expected and rewarded.
“Such an atmosphere, especially when motivation to learn evolves into academic achievement, is a chief characteristic of an effective school.”
Sounds alot like the environment you establish when you use effective school wide themes…
And that’s great… because school themes help boost school spirit and that creates the right classroom environment for motivating students.
If motivating young minds to reach their full potential is a goal you wish to pursue, consider an online masters in education and get started today?
One of the most effective avenues for
engendering student motivation is your school’s culture supported by a classroom management plan.
According to Deal (1987), school culture can be embodied and transformed through channels such as shared values, heroes, rituals, ceremonies, stories, and cultural networks.”
Sounds an awful lot like how school themes can be used to foster common purpose.
Yes, effective school wide themes inspire, motivate, and excite staff and students… And these items all help to create the positive environment where success and rewards can be anticipated.
And full staff support is a key ingredient that helps motivate and inspire students.
If we unite the staff and students, promote a positive environment and encourage school spirit… the question – about How You’re Going To Motivate Students is resolved… students respond. They are inspired and great things can happen.
See our motivational quotes for further inspiration.
(Items in quotes reprinted in part from The Educational Resources Information Center)

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That way it’s simple to find!